
roja vonger karon | রোজা ভঙ্গের কারণ সমূহ

roja vonger karon

roja vonger karon: Fasting is an important duty of the Holy Ramadan. So after fasting one should be careful not to do anything that breaks the fast. First of all, fasting is broken for three reasons. They are eating, drinking and intercourse.

But apart from these, the fast is broken due to some reasons. Which is important for every fasting person to know. Let’s take a brief look at the reasons for breaking fast –


Again eating or drinking on purpose thinking that the fast has been broken by forgetting to eat or drink. (Fatwa Shami, Volume : 03, Page : 375)


Bidi-Cigarette or hookah consumption. (Jawahirul Fiqh, Volume : 01, Page : 378)


Eating uncooked rice, flour yeast or lots of salt together. (Fatwa al-Hindiya, Volume: 01, Page: 199)


Eating something that is not normally eaten. For example – wood, iron, paper, stone, soil, coal etc.


Swallowed rock, clay, gravel, cotton yarn, grass, straw and paper. (Fatawa al-Hindiya, Volume: 01, Page: 203)


He swallowed his own spit. (Fatawa al-Hindiya, Volume: 01, Page: 202)


Thinking that the fast has been broken after intercourse with the wife by mistake – If you have intercourse with the wife again. (Fatwa Shami, Volume : 03, Page : 375)


Administer liquid medication through the ear or nose. (Imdadul Fatawa, Volume : 02, Page : 127)


When the blood comes out of the tooth, it exceeds the saliva and goes into the larynx. (Fatawa Shami, Volume : 03, Page : 367)


Other information

Falling asleep with a drink in the mouth and doing Sadiq in the morning in this state. (Imdadul Fatawa, Volume : 02, Page : 172)


Masturbating (Fatawa Darul Uloom Deoband, Volume: 06, Page: 417)


Watering in the throat while drinking water in the mouth or nose while remembering the fast. (Ahsanul Fatawa, Volume : 04, Page : 429)


Forcing someone to eat and drink. (Fatawa Hindia, Volume : 01, Page : 202)


Eating sahri after sadiq in the morning is like night. (Jawahirul Fiqh, Volume : 01, Page : 378)

Fifteen. Intentional vomiting or swallowing after vomiting. (Fathul Qadir, Volume : 02, Page : 337)


Thinking that the sun has set, he forgets to break the day. (Bukhari, Hadith: 1959)


If one has intercourse with his wife thinking that it is night, he abstains from intercourse in the morning when he comes to know about Sadiq. (Fatwa Shami, Volume : 03, Page : 374)


If rain or snow particles enter the esophagus, the fast is broken. (Fatawa Hindia, Volume: 01, Page: 203)

Reasons for which fasting is makruh

– Chewing something in the mouth without force.

– Frequent chills due to heat.

– Cleaning the teeth with tooth powder, paste, charcoal or any other substance on fasting days.

– Tasting something with the tongue without effort. But it is permissible for a bad-tempered husband to taste his wife’s curry.

– Gossip (story, slander) of someone while fasting.

– Lying and lying.

– Use or read obscene.

– to argue.

Which is the reason why fasting has to be expunged

– Voluntary consumption of any food or drug or smoking.

– Voluntary ejaculation in any form.

– After intercourse, even if no ejaculation occurs.

Fasting will be broken in these conditions. Both Qaza and Kaffara of fasting must be done. For expiation one must fast for two months (60) without a break. If you break your fast on any day within two months, you have to fast again for two months. The previous fast will be cancelled. But if women start menstruating in between, the previous fast will not be broken. Fasting should be started once again and 60 fasts should be observed.

If one cannot afford to fast, 60 poor people should be fed twice a day or one person should be fed twice a day for 60 days or each of the 60 poor people should pay the amount of Fitr as Sadaqah. roja vonger karon…

Reasons for breaking fast – (Document)

If one intentionally breaks the fast of Ramadan by eating, drinking or having sexual intercourse without any Shariah-compliant reason, Qaza and Kaffarah must be paid. Intentional transgression in any way other than eating and sexual intercourse does not require abstinence, but Qaza must be performed.

Fasting for 60 consecutive days is required for expiation of fasting. If even one day is missed in the middle of 60 consecutive fasts, then the calculation has to be started from the beginning, the previous ones will be omitted.

Or even if 60 poor people are given two meals a day, it will be expiation. A kaffar will be sufficient for a person to intentionally break the same Ramadan fast more than once. That is, for all broken fasts, 60 poor people will be fed twice a day, or one fitrah may be waived per poor person. (Badayus Sana’i: 2/101, Raddul Muhtar: 2/413)

Rewards of Fasting (Deed)

Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) declared about those who fast with devotion, “Whoever fasts Ramadan with faith and devotion, his previous sins are forgiven.” (Sahih Bukhari: 1901)

In Hadith Qudsi, Almighty Allah says, ‘Every action of man is for himself, but fasting is an exception. Fasting is only for me, I will reward it.’ (Muslim : 2760)

We have already got an idea about the roja vonger karon. Hope this information will be useful for you. Stay with us to see the detailed information.


Virtues and significance of Ramadan

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